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Welcome to Fieldstone Animal Hospital.
Your local veterinarian in Rindge, NH.

It is the special bond I had with my childhood diabetic cat, the comforting memories of visits to our family’s veterinarian, combined with my love of science that set the foundation of my career path as a veterinarian.

It is the relationships that I have built with our pet families in our community and with my team of talented coworkers that have sustained me in the veterinary profession despite the challenges. I am sincerely grateful that you continue to choose us to be the primary care provider for your cherished furry family members.

I founded Fieldstone Animal Hospital in April of 2008 intending to make sure that our practice priority would focus on the overall experience of the pets, our clients, and our whole healthcare team.

To this end, we have always utilized techniques to reduce stress and anxiety for your pet. Over time, our understanding and options to improve your pet’s experience have evolved and improved. We are excited to announce that our entire practice is currently dedicated to a year-long educational process to become “Fear Free Certified”

Having you, our clients, involved in making informed decisions for the healthcare of your pet is a pillar of what our veterinary practice strives to achieve. Longer appointment slots, email, text, and remote visits are all methods that allow us to have more effective communication. Our new website and social media presence bring to fruition a goal that I have had to achieve easy access to valid educational material, instructional videos, and a triage tool. We always encourage questions and discussion about options and alternatives. 

The unique physical and emotional demands and stress of veterinary practice have always been a challenge in our profession. Since Fieldstone’s inception, I have always focused on a work-life balance, and family-first philosophy and encouraged community involvement. I have learned that it takes more than hope and vision to maintain this balance. There needs to be intentional and regular action to keep wellbeing a priority.  To this end, our practice has adopted the Not One More Vet system as well as other professional advisors to provide ongoing wellness strategies for our team.  By keeping ourselves well we can continue to be present and enthusiastic about doing what we dedicated our lives to providing the best possible healthcare for your pets. 

Your Pets are our Purpose and Priority

Heather Sawyer DVM